All parents / guardians are advised to read the Educating your Child booklet available at prior to making an application. It will be assumed that you have read this booklet and understand the admissions process once your online application has been submitted.
You can use this site to make an application for your child to either start primary school or transfer to secondary school at the start of the new academic year..
If you are making an application for a place at secondary school and your child is currently at an Island primary school, you should be in receipt of a letter containing your child’s UID number.
If you are applying as a new admission to primary school you will not receive a UID number.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, an application pack will be sent direct from the SEN Team. Please contact them on 821000 if you have any queries.
If you have more than one child who will either start primary school or transfer to secondary school at the start of the academic year you must complete a separate application for each child.